BioProtonics’ MRH
improves outcomes by enabling earlier therapy prescription.
facilitates therapy discovery by enabling earlier stage targeting of trial participants, providing sensitive measure of therapy response, and enabling high-resolution tissue measure for disease biomarker identification.
promises a huge benefit across a broad range of crippling diseases.
BioProtonics’ MRH
is a paradigm change in how MR-data is acquired.
enables extension of MR resolution into the tens of microns range even in the presence of significant patient motion.
informs the diagnostic work-ups in a large range of diseases previously only accessible through highly invasive and error-prone biopsy/pathology.
adds negligible time/effort to an MR exam and requires no additional hardware.
highly structured output data facilitates use of machine learning analytics.
Current healthcare drivers facilitating rapid adoption:
the prodigious installed base of MRI scanners and rapidly expanding use of MRI both in established applications and new clinical indications
the high diagnostic value & low cost of the measurement dovetails with the mandate for Value-Based Care
adoption ensures myriad new and compelling applications in the research, Pharma, and clinical arenas
BioProtonics, Inc. is positioned to pursue co-development and licensing opportunities with Pharma, with Big Data analytics providers, and with MRI OEM’s.